P 7.7-9 The circuit shown in Figure P 7.7-9 is at steady state before the switch opens at time

t = 0.

The current is given by

(a) Determine the energy stored by each inductor before the switch opens.

(b) Determine the energy stored by each inductor 200 ms after the switch opens.

The series inductors can be replaced by an equivalent inductor.

(c) Determine the energy stored by the equivalent inductor before the switch opens.

(d) Determine the energy stored by the equivalent inductor 200 ms after the switch opens.



Figure P 7.7-9


(a) Determine the energy stored by each inductor before the switch opens.


Before switch opens at t = 0, i(t) = 0.8 A and the energy stored is given by





(b) Determine the energy stored by each inductor 200 ms after the switch opens.


After switch opens at t = 0,  and the energy stored is given by



At t = 200 ms = 0.2 s




At t = 200 ms = 0.2 s



The series inductors can be replaced by an equivalent inductor.



(c) Determine the energy stored by the equivalent inductor before the switch opens.



As it should!


(d) Determine the energy stored by the equivalent inductor 200 ms after the switch opens.



At t = 200 ms = 0.2 s



As it should!




Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on April 14, 2019