P 7.8-5 The switch in the circuit shown in Figure P 7.8-5 has been open for a long time before it closes at time t = 0.  Determine the values of ,  and , , the current in one of the 20 Ω resistors and in the capacitor immediately before the switch closes and the values of ,  and , , the current in that 20 Ω resistor and the capacitor immediately after the switch closes.


Figure P 7.8-5


An annotated circuit with things in steady state before the switch closes.  The capacitor would be an open circuit and we have:


Since capacitor acts like an open circuit the current through it is zero.



The current in the lower 20 resistor can be seen by current division to be 2/3 of the total since the other two 20 resistor make an effective 40 resistor in parallel to this 20 Ω resistor.


And that makes


This also gives us the voltage drop across the upper 20 resistor is



But this would also be



Now when the switch is thrown we have the following circuit

The left 20 resistor is now shorted out so the circuit should look more like

So .  Now continuity conditions require that voltage across capacitor cannot change discontinuously, so the voltage remains



But both of the 20 resistors are in parallel and they must also have this voltage across them so their currents are


So since






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This page last updated on April 14, 2019