P 8.3-6 The circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-6 is at steady state before the switch opens at time

t = 0. Determine the voltage, vo(t), for t > 0.


Answer: vo(t) = 5e–4000t V for t > 0



Figure P 8.3-6


With the switch closed the equilibrium circuit for t < 0,  The closed switch shorts out the resistor and long term the inductor looks like a short-circuit, so the annotated circuit looks like:

Rules of ideal op-amps, mean VA = 5 V and VB = 5 V also.  Therefore, iL is



Once the switch opens the annotated circuit looks like now:

In this case, VA remains 5 V, but now the current goes from ground up through the 20 k resistor on the left.  So clearly the voltage across the 20 k resistor is 5 V.  that means as that current passes through the 20 k resistor on top, you must get another 5 V, since the current in that resistor is going from left to right, VB now is +10 V!  This changes the current through the short circuit inductor is





So the current through the inductor is found from the general form




The voltage across the inductor is found from






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This page last updated on July 1, 2019