P 8.3-11 The voltage v(t) in the circuit shown in Figure P 8.3-11 is given by



Determine the values of R1, R2, and C.



Figure P 8.3-11


The voltage across the capacitor is the same as the voltage across R2 since they are wired in parallel.  The voltage across the capacitor has the standard form:



Consider time a long time after the switch is thrown.  The capacitor is an open circuit and the circuit looks like

The voltage across the capacitor is the voltage across R2 and can be found by adding voltages around the loop.


Solving for vC




Since we have a simple series circuit we can use voltage division and



Solving for



Now because the voltage cannot change instantaneously on a capacitor, consider the situation just after the switch is thrown, the circuit is unchanged so the sum of voltages remains


So the sum of voltages around the closed loop is

Solving for vC

So now consider t = 0


The circuit just before the switch is thrown looks like

Now again consider voltage division



Now use value for  and Solve for




After the switch is thrown the circuit looks like

The Thevenin resistance for the capacitor is the 4 and R2 are in parallel so



From the time constant relations

Solving for C




Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on July 2, 2019