P8.3-24 Consider the circuit shown in Figure 8.3-24a and corresponding plot of the inductor current shown in Figure 8.3-24b. Determine the values of L, , and.


Answer:  L = 4.8 H, = 200 W, and , = 300 W.


Hint: Use the plot to determine values of D, E, F and a such that the inductor current can be represented as



Figure P 8.3-24


By examining the plot we can identify that










So the current can be expressed as


Now consider circuit for t < 0

So current is just from simple series circuit so


Solving for R1


After the switch is thrown and the circuit reaches steady state we have

Current now is due to an effective resistance

So current is




Finally using the time constant we have


Solving for inductance





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This page last updated on July 9, 2019