P 8.6-3 The input to the circuit shown in Figure P 8.6-3 is the voltage of the voltage source, vs(t). The output is the current across the inductor, io(t). Determine the output of this circuit when the input is vs(t) = – 7 + 13 u(t) V.



Figure P 8.6-3


For the time t < 0 the power supply is providing a constant -7 V and the steady state circuit will have the inductor acting like a short circuit as shown

The current is going to be just the current created by a simple series circuit of the -7 V and a 5 resistor in series as the 4 resistor is shorted out.  So



For the time t > 0 the power supply is now providing +6 V and again the steady state circuit will have the inductor again acting like a short circuit.

Similarly we find the current long term to be



The Thevenin resistance is going to be the 5 and the 4 resistors in parallel once you deactivate the power supply.  So



Using the standard formula






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This page last updated on July 12, 2019