P 8.6-8 Determine vc(t) for t > 0 for the circuit of Figure P 8.6-8.



Figure P 8.6-8


Assuming circuit is in steady-state prior to t = 0, we have the following with annotations

Since the capacitor is acting as an open circuit, the voltage vC is the same as the output voltage of the op-amp.  So we can find that by calculating the two currents indicated.  We know the voltage at point labeles, vA must be zero since the non-inverting input is grounded and the rules of op-amps require the two inputs be at the same voltage.



Solving for vC


After the time t = 0, the voltage supply becomes active and the steady-state circuit becomes

Again, vA remains at 0 V.  i1 is no longer zero.


So i2 becomes

Solving for vC


Since the op-amp acts like a current source the Thevenin resistance is 4 k, so plugging into the standard formula gives us









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This page last updated on July 17, 2019