P 8.6-22 The voltage source voltage in the circuit shown in Figure P 8.6-22 is


vs(t) = 10 + 40u(t) V

Determine v(t) for t ≥ 0.



Figure P 8.6-22


The two capacitors are in series so we can replace the pair with an effective capacitor


So in steady-state when the capacitor is acting like an open circuit we just have the voltage across the 40 resistor which we can find by simple voltage division



The Thevenin resistance can be found by deactivating the power source

Adding the 5 resistors we have

So we have two resistors in parallel



Now we need steady state voltage before t = 0



And steady-state long after t = 0



Using the standard formula






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This page last updated on July 19, 2019