P 8.6-27 When the input to the circuit shown in Figure P 8.6-27 is the voltage source voltage


vs(t) = 3 – u(t) V

the output is the voltage

vo(t) = 10 + 5 e–50t V for t ≥ 0

Determine the values of R1 and R2.



Figure P 8.6-27


Annotating the circuit:

So we know the voltage across the capacitor is vA.  We can also see it is related to v0 by voltage division.



Plug in for v0


Now voltage across capacitor can be found from the standard form



The capacitor circuit in steady state is an open circuit so there is no voltage drop across resistor R1 and the voltage across the capacitor is just the voltage of the supply vs






Compare with the other expression


R1 can be determined by comparing the argument of the exponential




We actually have two relations for R2



Clearly these are the same, so solve R2






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This page last updated on July 22, 2019