P 8.7-4 Many have witnessed the use of an electrical megaphone for amplification of speech to a crowd. A model of a microphone and speaker is shown in Figure P 8.7-4a, and the circuit model is shown in Figure P 8.7-4b. Find v(t) for vs = 10(sin 100t)u(t) which could represent a person whistling or singing a pure tone.



Figure P 8.7-4


v(t) will be found from the current passing through the 8 resistor.  The circuit is a simple series circuit.  At steady state the inductor acts like a short circuit so, the steady state current is just


So for t < 0


Deactivating power source yields the Thevenin resistance as the two resistors in series, so




So the Thevenin circuit is

So a voltage walks provides



Assume a forced solution of




Collecting terms



This provides two equations to solve for A and B




Using the first equation we get



Plug this into second equation and then solve for A






So the forced solution is


The natural solution is

So full solution is



Now use the value at t = 0










Please send any comments or questions about this page to ddonovan@nmu.edu

This page last updated on July 25, 2019