P 8.7-5 A lossy integrator is shown in Figure P 8.7-5. The lossless capacitor of the ideal integrator circuit has been replaced with a model for the lossy capacitor, namely, a lossless capacitor in parallel with a 1-kΩ resistor. If

vs = 15e–2tu(t) V


vo(0) = 10 V,

find vo(t) for t > 0.


Figure P 8.7-5


Annotating the circuit with currents make the analysis easier so

Now write out a current junction equation



Note:  relationship of the current going to capacitor shows that




Assume a forced solution of




Comparing coefficients


Now the capacitor discharges through the 1 k resistor so the time constant is



So the natural solution looks like



So a total solution would be



Using the t = 0 condition







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This page last updated on July 25, 2019